Saturday, May 16, 2009

Bird Language Intensive

The Bird Language Intensive was held over the week of April 21 to May 2, and yes I know I'm two weeks late in blogging it. I'm actually later than that since this isn't a Bird Language Intensive blog, but an excuse.

Since it was a solid week long, I didn't have my usual evening or weekend moment to write and post. So I haven't written anything yet. I will, but for now it's all I can do to keep up with regular class posts. So look for a Bird Language Intensive post after the end of Native Eyes. Hey, that's only two weeks away...

Update 9/12/2009:
The Bird Language Intensive was just that: intense. A solid week of bird sits, debrief, and lecture on bird language. I learned many new things about birds and tracking the landscape through the eyes of the birds, and I relearned more. If you have never heard of bird language, this is a good intensive to take. If you have heard of it and would like to know more, this is a great instensive to take. If you have been studying bird language for a year, have listended to the Advanced Bird Language CDs repeatedly, and do regular bird sits on your own (like the Native Eyes crew does, for example), then I found this intensive to be an essential part of that education. Community and group cooperation opens up so many more possibilities for tracking and learning.

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